Scholarship applications will open on February 17, 2025, with a priority deadline of March 17th. The Halloran Scholarship is named in honor of SISMID's Founding Director, Dr. Elizabeth Halloran. Select the Scholarship Application Button and complete the form to apply for a scholarship. Please read through the instructions below before submitting your application.
Funding Information
SISMID is partially supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R25 AI147391 and the CDC Outbreak Analytic and Disease Modeling Network grant to Emory University. Scholarship awards are available for SISMID. A major goal of SISMID is to prepare scholars from all backgrounds for modern research in infectious diseases. SISMID encourages applications from those from groups historically underrepresented in STEM such as racial and ethnic minority groups, low-income, first-generation college students, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and 2SLGBTQ groups. Awards will be granted until funding is exhausted.
SISMID Scholarship Eligibility and Requirements
Eligible: Graduate students and postdocs at U.S. and international institutions are eligible to apply for in-person SISMID registration scholarships. Online scholarships can only be awarded to those who will be attending the online course in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.
What is a SISMID scholarship: Graduate students and postdocs can apply for a registration waiver to attend either 1-2 online modules or 1, 2 or 3 in-person modules. Note that applicants cannot apply for both online and in-person modules in a single year and online scholarships can only be awarded to individuals attending the online course in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. Scholarship recipients will have registration costs provided for up to two online modules or three in-person modules.
Travel scholarships:
A limited number of U.S. and international scholarship recipients will be awarded travel stipends of $800 to help offset costs. Travel stipends will be awarded at the discretion of the scholarship review committee. Travel stipends are processed after students have completed their In-Person Summer Institutes courses (i.e., students pay travel, lodging, and meal costs then claim reimbursement after they have completed their courses). Students can expect to receive a reimbursement check approximately 6-8 weeks after submitting final paperwork.
Travel scholarship eligibility:
Travel scholarships are available for qualified applicants who apply to attend at least 2 in-person modules. Due to grant funding restrictions, at this time, travel scholarships are only available for graduate students or postdocs enrolled or employed at U.S.-based institutions. Travel scholarships are not available for individuals living in the metro Atlanta area, although parking passes are available and can be arranged in advance upon request.
How to Complete the Application
When completing the scholarship application you will be asked to provide a list of 5 major accomplishments, an application statement of 500 words, and an advisor letter of recommendation. When you have finished your application, we recommend you conduct a final review before hitting SUBMIT as once your application is submitted, you will no longer be able to edit it. Please keep in mind that you will not be able to save your work.
When Will I Hear Back About My Application
The priority scholarship application deadline is March 17 or until funds are exhausted. Review of scholarship applications will begin after the priority deadline and continue on a rolling basis. Applicants will hear back within 3 weeks of the priority deadline or receipt (if after the priority deadline). Only completed applications will be considered. Reference letters must be received by the priority date to be given full priority.
Frequently Asked Questions
If I’m applying for a scholarship, do I need to register for the modules as well?
Space has been reserved in each module for scholarship recipients. Please do not register for modules that you request in your scholarship application as you may incur a $70 fee for transferring payment from a credit card to scholarship. If you are awarded a scholarship, you will receive a unique code to use to register for modules.
What should be included in my application statement?
The applicant statement should address how requested modules will contribute to, or advance, an applicant’s research or career goals. It should reflect how the applicant expects to use information learned through the modules; how the applicant’s experience to date has prepared them for the requested modules (academic, volunteer, personal experiences/challenges, etc.), and any other relevant information reviewers should know about why an applicant is applying for a scholarship.
What should be included in the letter of recommendation?
Scholarship applications should include a statement from the applicant’s academic advisor that explains: (1) the benefit to the applicant’s graduate program of attendance at SISMID; (2) that the SISMID modules being applied for are not available at the applicant’s institution, and (3) that attendance at SISMID by the applicant would be less likely without scholarship support.
How does my advisor submit a letter of recommendation for my scholarship application?
In your application, you will be asked to list your advisor's name and email. The advisor will be notified by email of the request to upload the recommendation letter to your profile. Once the advisor uploads the recommendation letter you will receive an email that your application is complete.